Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Hello, America. It's us. Been too long, we fully admit that.

We've got a brand new design we've just released and currently Betty's Divine, Frayed Sew and (soon) Cactus Records in Bozeman will have it. And, as with everything, you can get it from our online store.  If you're from around here, you probably see about 10 mule deer a day, or maybe yo see urban whitetail. Who knows what you see. But in Montana, where there are a few more than a million people, I think I read an estimate that there around four times as many deer. Pretty excellent. How many of them do you think have an atypical rack? Boon and Crocket might know the rough percentages. We don't, but we're interested!

Hey, what else, you ask? Hmmmm, well, we have some pretty stellar sales popping loose over at Odds and sods, mostly, but definitely some money to be saved. We also did a little interview with the rad folks at Betty's Divine. That's over here. Apropos of nothing, let us leave you with one of our all-time favorite songs:

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


That was to the tune of Hammer Time, you know, by the guy with the big pants, winning smile and sequins. One M.C. Hammer of Oakland, CA. Anyhow. Sorry about the tangent there.

Yes, speaking of anyhow, we went crazy with the Hooded sweatshirts this cold-and-flu season. Got a bunch of our designs on them. Brand new for the season is the Montana Closer design on this sweet American Apparel zip hoodie. We've also got Montankas, Leanin Pronghorns and some Montana Coat of Arms hoodies. Have a look at, our website if you want details. Time to go listen to ZZ Top, I guess.

Friday, January 4, 2013


Just a short entry here, wanted to say here's to a good, new year for you. May yours be over-filled with bison. Both the real kind, and the metal from Canada kind. And maybe some Zubrowka too. Not too much though.

