In terms of this other stuff...What has Santa brought early? Why, it's shirts, man. Shirts with some new designs on them. Here they are.
Seriously though, we've got a handful of new gear in the works, just in time to give your ma, pa, sweetie, bro, sis, frien', etc. something nice. These already being sold at great shops like Betty's Divine (Missoula), Blackbird Kid Shop (Missouala), Frayed Sew (Helena), Four O-Six (Helena) and at good ol'

What do we have there? Wellsirs 'n ma'ams, it's the Montana Coat of Arms, that's all. In keeping with our Missoula, Bozeman, Salt Lake and Portland Coats, this Montana COA tips cap to the great Euro styled dancing fish, weird deer and castle turrets. We picked wheat, a rocky front, some bolts and an eagle to rep our states wide open places, mystic faces and errr, yeah. Hoodies coming!

Big, big thank yous to Andrea and Tom, our models. Both Andrea and Tom do creative, awesome stuff in Missoula. Andrea works under the name Salty and Sweet, and makes mobiles (avail. at House downtown, via her etsy site, and at the MADE Fair) and Tom is Shahs, a one-dude tropicalia cum Suicide blast.