Yep, and this design here, called Closer, is one of our absolute newest. We wanted it to be clean, simple and wordless and just kind of stark. Like if somehow the Mission range were weirdly, perfectly illuminated on a clear winter´s night. Say you stopped a little north of Ronan and gazed eastward? We figured, this, or something approaching it might be what you see. There are but a few places in the world that can boast the natural wall-hangings it´s pretty easy to walk past on an average day in MT.
Uh, yeah... so, yeah. So I always loved this image on Joy Division´s Unknown Pleasures album. We thought it was actually called "Closer," which is a whole separate album. Well, by the time we got the design out of the shop, Closer had stuck.... and hey, voila. If you want a good pre-Joy Division deal, check out the Warsaw LP in its entirety. Awesomely robotic punk.
If it all strikes your fancy, find your way over to statriot.com, which is our store site. We have shirts and coozies.